Sunday, June 6, 2010

Problem Solved

As I said in the last post, we had some problems getting Bonzo to actually go swimming.  The one time before today that he actually got in the water he fell under and lost quite a bit of his confidence.  Since then he's gone close enoughto get his toes wet. 

This afternoon Emily and I went to Tuesday Morning to look around and you won't believe what we found.  As we predicted, Bonzo was not too thrilled as you can see below.
I think he spent the entire car ride to the dog park worrying that the other dogs were going to make fun of him as you can see below.
But hey! The thing actually worked.  We have a swimmer!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Thus Far

Got a ladder
Cleaned the gutters
Played golf
Hung a ladder
Hung shovels and rakes
Walked Bonzo
Mowed the lawn
Let Bonzo out in the fresh mown lawn
Gave Bonzo a bath
Took Bonzo to the dog park
Threw a ball. He couldn't get it. Ball is lost.
Watched as Bonzo fell into the mud pit
Gave Bonzo a bath
Played tennis
Took Bonzo to another dog park
Wondered the whole time why I didn’t just take him for a walk
Watched as Bonzo didn’t get muddy
Breathed sigh of relief
Took him home
He’s out like a light