Saturday, January 29, 2011

When life hands you lemons...

The last time I posted announced the addition of Lucy to our small Kansas City family.

It was summer vacation.  My brother and his family just left town after a visit. The Brewers were sadly on a four game losing streak but one of my favorite activities at the time was taking Bonzo to the dog park.

Emily has been on me to post again but as I told her I've felt that I have had very little to post about.  Perhaps it is just a poor excuse but nonetheless I stand by that excuse and argue that the stretch of time between July 31 and now has been one of the most difficult stretches of my life.  My good friend Bonzo got ill at a very young age and we were forced to put him down.  We've been separated from our families as long as I've ever been.  We've had other personal challenges that though they have brought Emily and I closer together I would never want to go through again.  There have been good things, but it seems a lot of those are overshadowed by the difficult times.

I don't want to get into it any further.  I just want to say that I will try harder to post on a more regular basis again.

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