Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kansas City, Here I Come!

I know I've said it before, but there is no turning back now.

On Wednesday I had lot of help from family and friends to pack up the truck. Though I had been dreading the day I actually had to leave I was doing alright until the shortest helpers came. It's easy to say that the most difficult part of this whole process has been leaving behind my family and friends. To all of you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the fun times that I've had with you and all the help you've been this last week and the 26 years preceeding that as well.

Oh yeah! Don't forget to take good care of a certain zebra plant that might still be in Wisconsin!

Driving down in three vehicles was the activities on Thursday afternoon. Again, I was very thankful to see family, short and tall, for lunch before we left. Driving was thankfully uneventful.

Friday afternoon we finished the trip into Kansas and closed on the house. This was a rather surreal moment during the move. I don't know that it really hit me until I was actually in the house.

Thanks in great part to help from my new neighboring state I was shocked to say that the truck was completely unloaded by dinner time on Friday. Needless to say I was excited that I'd then be ready to get rid of the big yellow truck on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Thank you also to the help that showed up Saturday to move the piano and all the other boxes that surprised me the day before.

Now it is time to unpack boxes and so far I haven't found any newly broken items. Thank God for that.

To all in Wisconsin, my heart is still there. I've been alone in Kansas for approximately 35 minutes and already I miss you. If you are ever looking for somewhere to go, consider driving down here. My door will always be open to visitors.

God bless you all and please pray for me during this transition.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Moving Week

Monday morning. It is officially moving week. It's getting to be closer and closer yet ironically even more difficult to believe. As I am looking around my apartment I'm starting to realize a couple things. I am getting closer and closer to having everything that needs to be packed in a box in a box. I'm also realizing that I think I have too many boxes. I think that's alright. I appreciate all the help from everybody getting me boxes. I'd rather have too many than not enough. It's also getting to be a little surreal to think that in a couple of days, these walls that have been my home for the last three years are really going to mean nothing to me at all. I've been feeling as though this day wasn't ever going to make it here and now here it is. Just hoping that all goes smoothly and that all that are traveling due to this move do so safely.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tick Tock

So I suppose that it has been a while since the last time I posted something on here. By show of hands, how many of you out there thought that I was done with this and I wasn't going to blog anymore? Well I hate to break it to you but I'm back!

So what do I have to report to you this time? Well... umm... Not a whole lot I suppose. I guess right now it is time that I am really having to get down to business with packing. It kind of is amazing to me how much stuff I can acquire in just 3 years. I just can't wait until the move is all over. One moment it seems like it is coming up so quickly; the next moment feels as though it still is ages away. I suppose that patience is what it is all about.

Well I'd love to keep updating you on what is going on but I got stuff to pack.