Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

So maybe it wasn't basketball but I made it to KU territory for the first time this last weekend.  Even better I got to see Uncle Dave, Aunt Melinda, and cousins Sandi and Angie.  We were all there to cheer on Angie as she competed in her cross country meet.  I decided to bring my camera along but I was unaware of the dying batteries that were in it. I was however able to get the following pictures before it died.  Angie, I'm not sure how you do it.  It takes a lot of dedication to participate in a sport like cross country.  Keep it up!

Cross country aside, I always enjoy seeing family.  Thanks to all four of you for including me in your weekend.  It really made  my weekend.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

As Promised...

As I previously promised I'm going to do my best to add a post at least every week that contains some photos of what I've been up to.
I'm fortunate enough to say that I've had a good deal of visitors in my time here in Kansas. Emily and her sister came down this weekend. Arriving Thursday afternoon we enjoyed a delicious IHOP dinner and trip to Walmart. Once at home we tried our hands at tie-dying. My hand remained blue throughout all of Friday at school.

I wasn't the greatest host on Friday as I was at school from 7 in the morning until about 10:30 at night due to girls volleyball games, but I had fun there as well. It's been very clear so far this year that the girls eat, sleep, and breathe volleyball, so having the opportunity to see them play and succeed was pretty cool.

When I got home it was time to untie the shirts and pillowcases that we dyed. Margaret's heart design shirt turned out great. My guitar design turned out alright. Somebody else got upset about another design.

Saturday was the first day we were able to sport our new shirts. Well, only 2/3 of us were really excited for that. We enjoyed lunch at the Kansas City's famous Arthur Bryant's Barbecue. Here's a picture of the groovy shirts that got shown around the town.

Below is Emily and myself in front of the famous barbecue pit.

After lunch we went down to The Plaza to see a movie that was so bad I don't even want to admit to seeing it on the internet. (Finally) the movie was over and we walked around The Plaza a bit. After enjoying a bit of Cold Stone I have to say that Wisconsin Cold Stone employees sing much better tip songs than KC employees. Here are some Plaza pics.

It's been a fun and enjoyable weekend and as always I thank my guests. Like I always like to say, guests are always welcome. If you haven't been here yet let me know when you want to make the trip.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weekend Update

All of a sudden it seems as though it's been a while again. I think perhaps I get excited to post pictures on here whenever I take some but there's a problem with that: I never take any pictures. For this reason I've decided to try to take my camera home every weekend and try to find something interesting enough to take a picture of. So starting next weekend be ready to look for some recent photos.

This weekend has been rather fast already even though there is still another day in it. Friday night I was excited to be the dinner guest of one of my fellow teachers. It was a very fun evening and just great to hang out with people down here outside of school. I'm in the process of planning a "Taste of Wisconsin" night in which I will invite the faculty over to my place for some beer brats and perhaps some other Wisconsin dishes. If anyone has any ideas let me know what screams WI.

That's all I have for now but like I said, keep your eyes open for some more posts and more pictures very soon. Though it's not a new one, I'll leave you with this picture anyway.