Saturday, July 31, 2010


Then there were two.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday

The last few days have been very enjoyable for Emily and I.  Thanks to Tim and Sarah for coming down to see us with their kids!  Because of their visit, Emily and I were given the excuse and opportunity to visit some of the sites in the area that we haven't gotten around to seeing quite yet. We all had a great time! Thanks for the visit!

Happy Birthday to Emily today!

Here is a list and some pictures of what we did.

Union Station

Science City

Fritz's Railroad Restaurant

Soccer with Bonzo

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

The Plaza


(Not pictured: The KC Zoo)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dressed Up Like Nebraska

Last February Emily and I walked away from the Bethany auction with a getaway to Omaha, Nebraska.  Since I'd like to some day make it to every state this country has to offer and since I can't seem to think of another reason to be in Nebraska on purpose (sorry Seward fans) we were looking forward to making this trip. 

Though I mean no disrespect to Nebraska my initial thought was that I couldn't quite imagine living in a place that has no top level professional sports teams.  They do have the Royals' AAA affiliate, but since the Royals themselves are close to a AAA team it makes it more equivalent to the Royals' AA affiliate. 

Ok... so this post seems to be getting off to a "bashing" start.  I apologize to anyone I offended. Please keep reading.

Having a great love for Milwaukee, I am rather biased towards anything in Milwaukee.  I admit that.  Even when it is painfully obvious that Milwaukee lacks in a certain area I will often claim to appreciate something from Milwaukee more.  So needless to say, after almost a year of listening to Kansas City area people talk about how great the Omaha zoo is I really didn't think it would be all that much better than Milwaukee's zoo.  Well, I must say I have been humbled.  Now I know why people drive three hours from Kansas City to go to the Omaha Zoo only to return the same day.  It really was amazing.  The exhibits were designed to make you feel as though you were in natural habitats from across the globe.  And you might think they could only do a reasonable job of convincing you of that, but you really could believe it.  If I had to pick what I was most impressed with, I'd have to say their desert dome was the coolest.

While in Omaha we also went to see a game of the previously mentioned AAA Omaha Royals.  This was my first time to a AAA game and also my first time inside Rosenblatt Stadium, the home of the College World Series.  It also happens to be the final year the stadium will be used.  At the game, Emily and I were picked to participate in an on field game in which we had to pop balloons and such.  We competed against another couple and needless to say we won.  What did we win you ask? A toy truck and a drawstring bag. Seriously? Yes, seriously.  I probably would have preferred a free soda from the concession stand.  On a related topic, if you are looking for a toy truck, check ebay.  I'll be posting.

It was a quick few days but enjoyable.  All in all it is nice to be back home.  Oh yeah, we went to botanical gardens too.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

Happy Birthday America!  You are officially 234 years old! Don't worry.  You don't look a day over 220.

Today was possibly the biggest holiday that Emily and I have spent away from Wisconsin so far.  We didn't exactly have a whole lot of plans so I'll tell you a little bit of what we did before and on this date to celebrate Independence Day.

A couple weeks ago Emily and I visited a site that I've beeneager to get to in Kansas City, The World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial.  I've been hearing since I moved down here how amazing it is and I must say that was no exaggeration.  The outdoor memorial itself is an icon in KC but it can't tell half of what you'll find once you get inside.  If you are ever in the area I highly recommend you make this one of you musts on your to-do list.

We came back to Liberty Memorial on Independence Day and crossed the street to see Union Station.  We had no real reason to go other than just trying to find something fun and cheap to do.  They have a miniature train display at one end that is sure to capture the imaginations of any youngsters.  You'll also find (for a fee) a dinosaur exhibit that we did not go to, but they lurk throughout the entire building.  Pretty cool day for no price.  So when you come to KC and go to the World War I Museum, be sure to cross the street and check out Union Station as well.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wisconsin Trip

Last week it was great to make it up to Wisconsin to visit family and friends.  What we originally thought would only be a weekend turned into a long weekend.  That turned into an extra long weekend until we finally realized that it would become an entire week.

While up there we were able to attend Emily's cousin's wedding.  It was actually the first wedding we have been to since our own in November. 

I was also excited that this weekend also gave me an opportunity to check off a goal that I have had for myself the last several years.  The day after the wedding I participated in the Bigfoot Triathlon at Bigfoot State Park in Lake Geneva, WI.  I was most nervous about the swim but was able to get through that with a much shorter split than I had previously thought I would be able to do.  Not only that but my expectation of being the last one in my division out of the lake was apparently not giving myself enough credit.  That's right folks... THIRD LAST!  All in all it was a lot of fun.  I was also very excited to have Emily and my parents there to cheer me on.

The rest of the week included Cecil Cooper bobblehead day, grilling brats with the family, and just hanging out and having a good time.  So far the highlight of the summer!